Our Vision

In the United States, 27% of adults ages 60 and older live alone. Sadly, many of them face accidents or injuries at home but aren’t able to contact friends and family for help in a timely manner.

We envision a world where older adults can stay safe while living where they want to live. That’s why we’d like to give them a hassle-free and inexpensive way to stay connected with their loved ones.

Our Story

N. Paya

As my parents get older, I’m more and more concerned about their health and safety every day. I want them to be able to quickly reach me if they ever need help in a critical situation. But my search for wearable alert devices came up way short. I only found lousy products that were super expensive, had limited battery life, and were a hassle to use. 

That’s why I created Alertifyre. It’s the easiest and most affordable way for older adults to reach out for help when they need it most. Even if this product can save just one life, it will all be worth it!