Instantly alert your loved ones when you need help

Meet the Alertifyre button

With one click, your GPS location is sent to your trusted contacts via text message, letting them know where you need help.

How it Works

Wear the Alertifyre button like a wristband or a necklace

Download the free Alertifyre app and follow prompts to set it up

Click the button to send a text with your GPS location to your pre-selected contacts

5-year battery life

With a powerful built-in battery designed to last 5+ years, you never have to worry about charging or replacing it.

No ​​monthly fees or contracts

Your first 100 alerts are included for free. After that, you can pay as you go instead of getting locked in to a long-term contract.

We protect your data & privacy​

We don’t track or sell your data to anyone. Plus, we use advanced encryption and tamper-proof electronics.

Peace of mind with one click